The location to apply for a Micro-fit is at this Government site.
From this web page you can see all the conditions, changes and put in an application. I had Upper Canada Solar do this for me although I have access to it and can see the status. The reason I asked Upper Canada Solar to do this is I wish to ensure that we meet the 40% Ontario content that is required. I am assured by them that they can do this.
If you select the Payment schedule on this web page you will see that it continues to be 80.2 cents per Kilwatt Hour. I have Used PVWatts program to show what energy I can expect from our Installation.It can be found here.
Because I will only be able to fit 3 rows of 14 panels on the back of our place, we decided to add an additional 6 panels on our Garage. It is on the front side of the house but one half is facing south east. This brings up the total amount of generation capability up to 9.6 Kilo Watts. This sheet shows what the back should generate
To get a total of both I put them into a spread sheet to add them up.
Costs are real to date as I know it. Upper Canada now is quoting $7.50 per watt. If I multiply that by my 9.6 Kil Watts it will give us the cost of that part of the project.
Payback per months are estimates but rumor has it those who have used this site are finding estimates close to real. I should be a little better as I am a little south of Ottawa,
Insurance costs are an estimate I have received verbally from an Agent. We are presently investigating. This is a story as well and I will update you further when I have more info.
Good news of the day is they are supposed to pick up the hardware tomorrow so we should be installing real soon.